Friday, July 25, 2008

sunshine chickens... you are my sunshine....

after much research and attending a seminar, consultations and a farm visit (when there was nothing yet on our farm... thank you solraya!) from doc rey and tita sandy (no blood relation... i call her tita sandy for respect and reverence... small world... they are from santiago, isabela where my uncle tony and aunt judy gokioco hails...and they get their tires from my uncle and aunt... JT auto supply, santiago, isabela...hehehe)

we started building the test range and brooder for our sunshines last July 21, 2008...

my ever dependable and loyal resident farmer... mang william... built the brooder and ranging area in 2 days!!!

here are the pics...

WHY SUNSHINE?... future blogs... hehehe...

1 comment:

Joseph Carigma said...

Interesting. Can I pay a visit?