Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Spring break...950

we are now doing test harvest on all the stages of the sunshines to identify the characteristics of the meat in each stage.

it took me a while to write this blog because my first attempt was deleted because of bad internet connections... =(. hay!!! anyways...

dinner was great. Spring chickens were tasty and most of all.... TENDER!. our house staff dressed them live from the farm. we roasted four chickens for five adults (2 pregnant women, 2 big boys and our dear mother) and my precious baby alaine.

stuffed and marinated only with lemongrass, ginger, garlic, onions, salt and pepper, nothing more and nothing less. =) roated in turbo broiler for 1.5 hour at... 260 degrees.

alaine was suppose to have chicken arroscaldo but when i checked the tenderness of the meat, we decided to let her have her first adult food meal! =).. yes, it was memorable indeed. she enjoyed the chicken as well and ate both white and dark meats. (NOTE: she only has four front teeth!)

the family had a great time eating, scrutinizing and commenting about the qualities of each part of the chicken. evern the spring chicken's breast was tender and... TASTY. i bought lechon sauce from baliwag just incase somebody wanted some gravy with their chicken but whala!... the lechon sauce was barely touched! the only sauce that everybody used was PINAKURAT VINEGAR, as dressing for the stuffings, and not for the chicken.

contrary to what i expected, the spring chickens were meaty, the bones were small but firm (at 32 days!) the average dressed weight of each chicken was 750 grams (live weight 950 grams). all along i expected the chickens to be all bones, no meat, but they proved me wrong. =).

a ready market would be our only concern for selling this type of meat... would Php 150 SRP be an acceptable price for a piece of good, tasty and melt-in-your-mouth tender spring chicken? you tell me...

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